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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas to all!

Well it's finally here. The Christmas rush is over, and before long we'll be settling down to watch the kids rip into packages like there's no tomorrow. To most of us this is what's most important at Christmas. We get the most joy out of seeing our kids being so happy. There is one thing that's more important though. It's that baby. That baby born in a stable over two thousand years ago. That baby that would grow up to be a man, and to teach and show us all that we could have eternal life with His Father in Heaven...and all we have to do is believe in Him. That baby would eventually be the ultimate sacrifice and pay for the sins of the world by hanging on a cross at Calvary. I don't believe there is anything wrong with saying that. In fact, it's my obligation to say it. If you aren't happy this Christmas season, why not? Could it be that you haven't accepted the greatest gift of all? God's gift to you is His Son. Here's what Max Lucado said:

"If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. If He had a wallet, your picture would be in it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He could live anywhere in the universe, and he chose your heart. And the Christmas gift He sent to you in Bethlehem? Face it friend, He's crazy about you."

You can have peace and happiness this Christmas and every day of the year. When you feel the gentle tug at your heart, please don't turn away. Stop and receive the greatest gift of all.

I wanted to share our Christmas card image with everyone and express my sincere wishes for your happiness this Christmas season.

May God bless you,
Bentley, Michelle, Jackson, Sylvie, and Payne

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Flash!

Your results:
You are The Flash
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.

So I was reading David Jay's blog this morning and he was talking about this site that tells you what superhero you are most like. Being a fan of meaningless quizzes, I had to give it a shot. Turns out, I'm the Flash! I found that interesting because he was always my favorite hero as a child. Don't know how much stock I put in this thing though, but it was fun. Of course I'm a little disturbed that Super girl, Cat woman, and Wonder Woman also made the list.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Today, Sylvie's school had their annual "Happy Birthday Jesus" program and parade. All the kids did such a great job and it's always a blessing to see them perform. Here's my little angel getting ready to say her part...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Thank You!

I want to express my sincere thanks to everyone who participated in this year's toy drive. All together we collected more than 70 toys to be donated to the Marshall County Christmas Coalition. In case you missed out, we gave a free 8x10 to every client who brought in a new toy valued at $10 or more. We'll be doing it again next year, and who knows, maybe we'll go for 100 toys!

Thanks again for your help...your kindness will make a profound difference in a child's Christmas.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Da Bulls!

The Boaz Parks and Recreation department is appearently struggling for coaches because this year I was asked to coach Jackson's basketball team. Anyway our team is the Bulls, and we're having a good time and they are actually winning some games in spite of the coach. I think everyone who has kids that play youth sports should take the opportunity to coach, or at least help coach. It has managed to give me a new respect for coaches and what it takes to prepare for games and get a team ready to play.

I get a lot out of watching youth sports. These kids are playing because they love to play. Most of them don't really mind if they lose, they just enjoy the game. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?