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Monday, June 26, 2006

Contrary to my earlier post, and thanks to bludomain and my webhost 1and1, my site is up today! Woohoo!
It's Monday...and I'm feeling it. We're going to the beach tomorrow and as usual there are a million things to do. As excited as I am about the trip, I'm always nervous about leaving home.
I'll be sure and post some photos as soon as I can.

Tomorrow the new and improved should be online and I'm so excited about it. Please give it a look and let me know what you think. I finally gave in and admitted that I'm not a web designer, I'm a I hired a proffessional web designer and I couldn't be happier.

Last week we had vacation Bible school "Fiesta" at our church. Everything went well and I believe a lot of seeds were planted. One of the cool things about the curriculum is that the kids have to complete a "daily challenge." Sometimes it's easy stuff like "compliment a friend or loved one" but sometimes it's harder like "do your siblings chores." It gave me the idea to add a "daily challenge" to my blog. So here it is:

Try to make a total stranger smile at you. OK this is the first one so it's easy, I'll even tell you how to do it: Smile at them first.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Welcome to my blog! I decided since everyone else has one I should have one too. Hopefully I can keep it updated on a regular basis. In the meantime...check out my website here.