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Monday, June 26, 2006

It's Monday...and I'm feeling it. We're going to the beach tomorrow and as usual there are a million things to do. As excited as I am about the trip, I'm always nervous about leaving home.
I'll be sure and post some photos as soon as I can.

Tomorrow the new and improved should be online and I'm so excited about it. Please give it a look and let me know what you think. I finally gave in and admitted that I'm not a web designer, I'm a I hired a proffessional web designer and I couldn't be happier.

Last week we had vacation Bible school "Fiesta" at our church. Everything went well and I believe a lot of seeds were planted. One of the cool things about the curriculum is that the kids have to complete a "daily challenge." Sometimes it's easy stuff like "compliment a friend or loved one" but sometimes it's harder like "do your siblings chores." It gave me the idea to add a "daily challenge" to my blog. So here it is:

Try to make a total stranger smile at you. OK this is the first one so it's easy, I'll even tell you how to do it: Smile at them first.



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