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Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hot Chocolate!

Don't you just love hot chocolate? I do. Actually, I like WARM chocolate becuase HOT chocolate burns my mouth. Anyway, if you're reading this, I want to invite you to come and hang out at the studio this Friday and watch the Boaz Christmas parade. We're in a great location for the kids to catch candy, and if you get cold you can come inside and warm up. We'll be serving hot chocolate while it lasts, so get here early for a good parking space. The parade starts at 5:30!

By the way, while I was searching for this image, I found out that scientists from Cornell university have recently discovered that hot chocolate has more antioxidants than tea and red wine. Bonus! Here's the link to the article.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, I'm loving the Warm Chocolate. Count us in. Thanks.

Kelly and Family

6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the warm chocolate, Bentley!


7:20 AM  

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