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Friday, April 13, 2007

A Stellar Performance!

Last night we were highly entertained at the First Baptist Church Preschool production of "The Three Nanny Goats Gruff." Our daughter Sylvie was one of the narrators. She along with the rest of the cast had a spectacular performance. Of course her Daddy thought she looked especially beautiful, and couldn't resist buying her some roses. Thanks to all the kindergarten teachers, Mrs. "Led," Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Mickie, and Mrs. Karen, along with the preschool teachers and staff. Without them it never would have happened. We are so fortunate to have our daughter in a school where love abounds.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo! Bravo!
I agree completely with Bentley. It was amazing to see all of the children perform so well. And yes of course, I did think Sylvie was spectacular. The teachers worked many hours on this performance and I thank you. Also, Ginger Young worked really hard on the costumes. Thanks to Ginger and all the moms that helped. Michelle

6:34 AM  

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