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Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Lately I've been letting a few things get to me to such an extent that it affects my family time. I've made the decision not to let that happen again. If I take the high road and treat people like I want to be treated, then I will always matter what anyone does or says. I've been thinking lately about a really awesome book "The Traveler's Gift" by Andy Andrews. In the book Andy talks about how it's our decisions that define us. One of the decisions we can make is to be happy. We are ulitmately in control of our own happiness or lack thereof. We simply have to decide. Today I have decided to be happy.

I've also heard Andy talk about the people we surround ourselves with. Most people say that in a relationship they look for someone who "accepts me for who I am." That's such incredible GARBAGE to believe. Think about it. Do you REALLY want someone as a friend who accepts you for who you are? The kid at the drive thru window accepts you for who you are! I want a friend who will call me to the carpet and hold me accountable, and thus make me BETTER than who I am. I want someone who will applaude me when I do well, but also thump me when I don't.

My friend Kelly Ray told Michelle that she was missing the Daily here it is...your daily challenge for the day:

Think of someone who is still alive who has had a profound, postive impact on your life. Make it a point TODAY to personally thank that person.

Let me know how it goes!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank You
You are very special to me.

2:52 PM  

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